Enthusiastically catching the enchanting gardening bug as a girl, laboring alongside Dad, my ardor blossomed through the decades. Devouring myriad reading materials regarding my passion, indulging in classes, acquiring usage of efficient tools, perusing public and private gardens alike, coupled with dreaming, designing, digging, amending, planting, mulching, watering, weeding, pruning, and manicuring my own "yardens" have fueled my immense love, while expanding my knowledge. Pure ecstasy is plunging my fervent hands into the warming earth each spring as the fresh green emergence of sleeping plants resurrect. Healing for me, gardening allows all woes - Adam and Joseph who? (my twin teenage sons) - to slip away as I toil peacefully, in my secure refuge, with my omnipotent Creator. Differentiating garden rooms, placing comfy perches for viewing the beguiling results of my efforts, portraying intrigue as vanishing paths meander to hidden destinations, layering plants with varying aromatic scents, textures, colors, and heights in my curvaceous beds, affording a sense of wonder for my children, arranging rocks I glean from friends and family, adding objets d'art and hardscapes as focal points of attention, while providing nutrition, water, and safe havens for God's creatures are essential ingredients in my romantically distinctive, rejuvenating gardens.
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