Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Intolerant, Homophobic, Fear-mongering, Free Love Hating, Christian Bigots
For as much as our
nation sounds the bullying alarm, it surely makes a constant practice
of tolerating it. It just depends on who you are whether or not you
will be held accountable for employing the use of bullying tactics.
Intellectual elite intimidate conservatives who live for Jesus into
silence, for they know too well that sincere Christians shy away from
anything that would make them appear hateful, intolerant or
judgmental. Bullies are aggressive, arrogant and bent on achieving
and maintaining their way, come hell or high water. They treat those
who oppose them as if they are not even people, without consideration or
cosmopolites (odd that there's not a polite cell in their bodies)
from northern metropolises move into small southern conservative
towns with the intention of bullying the laid-back, gentle townsfolks
into allowing said progressives to totally transform their once
endearing towns, with traditional family values, into enclaves of ruination. The
foundation of their unwholesome views lies in their narcissistic
antiChrist stance as well as their pursuit of "free love,"
out of which their acceptance of homosexuality and pro-abortion
opinions arise. Of course, they are on board with the billion dollar
pornography industry that destroys myriad lives in its wake,
unbridled consumption of alcohol that also destroys many lives in
various ways, the garbage Hollywood pumps out in films and Television
programming, the putrid lyrics in pop music, along with the
accompanying immodest, impure dress of those singing them, violent
games and subversive, antiChrist public schooling and literature.
Of course, over-arching all of this is their antiChrist propaganda.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Fiery Flames of Destruction
As I've been hearing the devastating news and viewing the unfathomable photos coming out of Colorado Springs, my tears flow freely. Deeply am I grieving, especially for those connected to Focus on the Family and Family Talk. Dr. James Dobson/Godson has been my hero and mentor since I was a newlywed, over three decades ago. I love and esteem him like he was my own father. Due, in large part, to his exemplary, Christ-like influence in my life, I've developed into the person I am. While reading this heartbreaking blog by Jim, I was struck by the thought of the eternal flames of hell that eagerly lap at those who have rejected Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords. As urgent as it is for the inhabitants of Colorado to flee the flames engulfing their beautiful state, it is even more urgent for the inhabitants of this corrupt world to flee the flames that will destroy their very souls! Thousands have been separated from their homes by the raging wildfire, but many will return to homes unscathed. Those whose homes are destroyed, will rebuild. Imagine being separated from Jesus for all eternity due to the fiery flames of hell! I pray peace, comfort and safety for my Colorado brothers and sisters in the Lord, particularly for those aforementioned, as well as for those at Ellerslie, in Windsor. What Dr. Dobson has meant in my life, Eric Ludy means in the lives of my children. In Jesus' holy, majestic and powerful Name. Amen.