How interesting that exemplary Mr. McQuilkin's first name is the same as Mr. Pat's last name - ROBERTSON! This is definitely a God connection, and Mr. Pat NEEDS to view ROBERTSON's video on servanthood, genuine Christ-centered love and marital commitment! I sent Muriel's and Robertson's love story to Pat Robertson of the famed Christian 700 Club in Virginia Beach, VA.
This is in response to:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Roe v Wade is terrorism too!!!
Ten years ago on September 11, 2001 we saw two horrific attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We know almost 3,000 human persons were killed on that one day. I have mourned and prayed along with most of the world over this tragic loss of human life.
I have also listened to and read statements by world leaders, religious leaders, celebrities, and organizations about how precious human life is. I have listened as they called our nation to prayer and talked about God blessing our nation. I have even seen groups like Planned Parenthood and N.O.W. talk about the tragic loss of human life.
With all due respect and sympathy for those who were killed on 09/11/2001—a day that is being remembered everywhere—I say that we are missing the bigger picture.
I call to your attention to another “day of infamy” we all should mourn, 01-22-73. This is the day that personhood was stripped away from the most helpless and the youngest American people, preborn children. More than 53,000,000 Americans have been the victims of cruel disregard for human life because of a decision made that day.
I do not understand how organizations like Planned Parenthood can talk about this tragic loss of human life and at the same time destroy children every day.
I do not understand how Congress can come together in one day and pass legislation that will allow us to put an end to one form of terrorism, and yet ignore the plight of so many helpless children. I do not understand how our Government talks blocking the funding of terrorist organizations yet they fight to keep funding for Planned Parenthood. Hundreds of entertainers pooled their talents to raise money for the victims and their families of those killed on 09-11-01, but those same “artists” have helped raise money to promote the deaths sanctioned on 01-22-73.
I, too, have the utmost respect for the firefighters and policemen and EMTs who risked their lives and worked so hard to save others’ lives; I would call them true American heroes. It is great that our government has called them heroes and is honoring them. But at the same time, the government persecutes other men and women who have given most of their lives to defending human life. Joseph Scheidler is one of my greatest heroes; he is an unsung hero who has given decades of his life to fight for the lives of precious little babies. He is being sued and called a “racketeer” for his selfless, heroic work on behalf of the babies. And there is “Doc,” a very elderly man who sat outside an abortion mill in Portland, Oregon, for hours, nearly every day, witnessing to the truth and offering help to young women until the day he died. Why are these true American heroes not being honored for their work?
I am in no way trying to minimize what happened on 09-11-01, but I do want to bring the attention of the world to what is still happening as a result of the events of 01-22-73. Our generation has lost over one-third of its brothers and sisters, and we cannot let this go unrecognized by so many Americans any longer. The world has had a wake-up call and has felt the impact of the loss of thousands of lives. The world needs to see the devastation that has been wrought on a generation that has lost millions.
President Bush acted in an honorable way in his commitment to ending terrorism. He has stepped up to the plate and has united this country behind him. I only pray that our current President would also take a stand against other acts of terrorism being carried out every day in this country, a terrorism that continues to claim thousands of precious human lives daily. I pray that Congress would vote unanimously to empower the President to put a stop to this terrorism.
As I mourn with our nation on the tenth anniversary of 09-11-01, I also mourn over our nation’s callous attitude toward the fateful decisions made on 01-22-73. I cry over the fact that the events of 09-11-01 inspire thousands to fill Yankee Stadium for a prayer service, yet, when we ask people to pray for those who will be lost to abortion, only a handful show up. I am angered by organizations that can call life “precious” one day, and the next, fight for the right to kill babies. I weep for those who shed tears and raised money for one group of people who are suffering but empty their wallets to help destroy another group of people.
I know that what I have written here may anger or upset some people, but I hope and pray that it will anger you too that babies are being murdered, and that our country does not shed tears for them. As for myself and all of us here at Stand True, Priests for Life and the Gospel of Life family, we will shed tears for all human persons who are killed, born and preborn alike. The 19 terrorists who crashed their planes into those buildings stripped away the personhood of thousands. The abortion industry has stripped away the personhood of millions. Our job is to restore personhood to every single human being no matter how small. Note: Bryan Kemper is the president of Stand True Ministries, a pro-life group that reaches out to youth and young adults. He is the author of a new book, Social Justice Begins In The Womb and Director of Youth Outreach for Priests for Life.
Friday, September 2, 2011
THE VOICE by Donald Miller, Lauren Winner, Brian McLaren, Leonard Sweet and Chris Seay
I am exceedingly disturbed over THE VOICE. Why exactly, I ask you, do we NEED a completely new Bible translation for today? “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever!” ~Hebrews 13:8. What about that simple declaration is so difficult for you emergent village people to decipher? He NEVER changes! It is not He who needs to mold to people. He WILL NOT transform Himself to fit the narcissistic, unholy requirements of the heretical postmodern church. Get with the program. It’s people who need to mold to His holy example! Does this ring a bell? “Be ye holy as He is holy.” Oh, silly me, I forgot, THE VOICE has no doubt altered that precept found in 1 Peter 1:15 of God’s Holy Word. The worst part of your pathetic attempt to rearrange THE WORD OF GOD, and “improve upon it”, is that you are leading others to hell, along with yourselves! Does the adage “Misery loves company” fit with your diabolical scheme from the pit of hell? Woe to you! Let me guess, Bart Ehrman, Frank Schaeffer and Rob Bell were participants in this “new and improved” translation. Am I correct?